Before the first class


Currently we do not have led classes in English. However, we have two open ashtanga classes that you can visit. These classes are held by two yoga instructors at the same time, and one of them speaks English. Open ashtanga classes are suitable for beginners and advanced practitioners of ashtanga yoga.

Currently we have only one open ashtanga class:

If you are an advanced practitioner you can come late but you have to finish your practice by the end of the class (19:00 on Friday). The Friday class is special; from 17:00 starts the Mysore practice, but from 17:30 one of the teachers leads the class.


We have yoga mats but you can bring your own if you want. You can take a shower after the classes but we do not have towels, so you have to bring your own. All you need is comfortable clothes for the practice. You do not have to register for the classes, you can come to the classes whenever you want.


The studio is located in the heart of Debrecen, at Piac street 45-47., in the yard. There is a parking area behind the studio (you can access it from Arany János street).




Mandala Jóga Debrecen
4025 Debrecen, Piac u. 45-47.

Mandala Jóga Nyugati
1132 Bp., Kresz Géza u. 27.

Mandala Jóga Liget
1078 Bp., Nefelejcs u. 58.

Mandala jóga Újbuda
1114 Bp. Bartók Béla út 55.

Mandala Jóga Szeged
6722 Szeged, Petőfi S. sgt 41./b

Mandala Jóga Pécs
7623 Pécs, Petőfi Sándor u. 56.


Juhász Mária
+3630 656 1460

The reception opens 30 minutes before the classes.


Your first class is free!
You do not have to register.

1 class ticket (90 minutes): 1 480 HUF

5 class pass: 6 800 HUF
10 class pass: 11 800 HUF
4 week pass: 12 000 HUF

Discounts and prices ›


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